Saturday, March 10, 2012

Big Time Movie Premiere: BTR at Orange Carpet!!

Big Time Movie Premiere Pics!!

Big Time Rush.
Samantha Droke.

Ciara Bravo.

Demi Lovato & Logan Henderson.

Tanya Chisholm

Big Time Rush Acting Goofy

Goofy As Always :)

One Direction.

Lucky girl meets James Maslow.

James & Fox.

Challen Cates, Tanya Chisholm, Stephen Glickman, & Ciara Bravo.

Big Time Rush Recieves Recognition.

Challen Cates.
All thses stars and more were at Big Time Movies's Premiere. Did ya'll like the movie? :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

One Direction Tells MTV News Of BTR!!

"We Met Big Time Rush for the first time last weekend on the set of their show in L.A. They're really great guys and could not have been more welcoming and supportive. We also shared some laughs!" (One of the statements 1D Told MTV, Click the link) :)/

Crush Night!!!

Did you guys enjoy Crush Night, Hosted By BTR? If you missed it you can catch it again!! We're sorry for certain reasons we can't show all the clips. BUT, Go on the link below From Thank you!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Imagine: Our Big Time Love Triangle: (Part 1)

#imagine You're a singer in hollywood. And you have met Kendall from Big Time Rush just like any other person. But you can't stop thinking about him. You get freaked and call him.

You: Hello Hey Umm... Kendall?

Kendall: Oh!! Hey (YN) how are you?

You: Im Terrible.

Kendall: Wait Why?

You: I know this is stupid but......

Kendall: *interupts* You can't stop thinking about me right?

You: *Startled* Yea its really freaky.

Kendall: Well yea i can't stop thinking about you to.

You: REALLY!!!!!

Kendall: Hahaha yea but Here's the thing it won't work out cause.... cause....

You: Cause What?

Kendall: Cause James Really likes you.

You: Are you serious? Oh. Well I'll Talk to him, Well Bye Kendall talk to you later.

Kendall: Sure thing! Bye (YN)

You get Scared And wonder how James Can like you. You decide to talk to him tommorrow.

(Stay Tuned For Part 2)

Big Time Imagines!!

Hey guys to tell ya'll we've decided to do #Imagines daily. But not everyday. We hope you guys like it. Im posting it today. :)